Yes, Chaplains can have an astounding penchant for
naiveté. It is characterized by a lack
of discernment and understanding of the human condition. Naiveté can lead to serious boundary
violations. In hospice, the Chaplain can be immersed in a number of challenging
situations, many that deal with gifts of appreciation. Since a Chaplain more than likely has come
into hospice work from a pastoral type of setting where congregations give
gifts at holiday times and other special days, the Chaplain must be aware of
the possible challenges with accepting gifts.
For example, Hank is a hospice Chaplain. For some reason that is not
clear, one of Hank’s elderly patients wants to give him an extra computer
printer that he has. When Hank comes to visit, the patient has the printer
packaged in a box and ready for him. Hank accepts the gift without reservation.
He doesn’t really need a printer, but if he doesn’t find a use for it, he will
just give it to his neighbor. It seems
innocent enough—after all, it is just a computer printer. However, several days
later, the patient’s son calls the executive director of the hospice for which
Hank works and is nothing short of irate. He tells the executive director that
he just found out his father has given one of the staff the computer printer and in the box, along with
it, was $100 in cash. The son wants the money and the printer returned
immediately. (adapted from
Put yourself in the place of the executive director…He has to confront
Hank. He did. Hank stated there wasn’t
$100 in the box. How could Hank prove
that? He opened the box by himself when
no one else witnessed it. And, he did
not report the gift to his Team Manager.
As a result, there was $100 missing and a computer printer that needed
to be returned. What a conundrum! Who would repay the $100? (in the Comment Section, tell me what you think should be done to repay the $100) What would the executive director do to resolve the issue? Hank received a written reprimand for violating boundaries. Solution:
Know your organization’s policy on gifts and never, ever, violate the
policy. Remember, you are not in the
pastorate any longer. You are in a
professional place of business that has policies and procedures.
Based on the above, the Chaplain must shed his or her
naiveté and be aware of the potential for problems.
Here are several wise guidelines to keep yourself out of
boundary violations:
- Do I know my company’s policy for accepting gifts? If you don’t, find out right away.
- Could I discuss my patient interactions with my Team or would I need to omit some of the patient/Chaplain interaction because it had to do with a boundary violation?
- Do not see your patients after work hours for any reason.
- Do not engage in any business related endeavors with a patient or patient’s family ever.
- Never withhold information from your Team Manager about a gift. Example: A patient that I had had a particularly good relationship with was an artist. His skills had diminished due to his illness but he desired for me to have a painting. I thanked him and told him the organization’s policy on gifts and told him I would explain the offer of the painting to my supervisor. I met face to face with my supervisor and explained the gift offer. I was given permission to accept the gift. I then told that to the patient on my next regularly scheduled visit. That painting adorns my office.
At your next Chaplain’s meeting,
discuss the matter of gifts. Get it out
in the open. Have your Manager or
Director explain the gift policy to the Chaplain Team. Whatever you do, respect the patient-Chaplain
boundary. Your integrity and reputation
are at stake.
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