You notice the title is not “forgiveness” but
“forgiving”. Forgiving is an active
process. Forgiveness is the end
result. It is an interesting phenomenon
for the Chaplain to think that he or she may hide their more dark side under
the cloak of the ministry or chaplaincy.
To do that promotes a façade and makes the chaplain a phony.
Who are you angry with?
Who have you yet to forgive? Why
are you holding a grudge? Do you think
that your bitter spirit is hidden from view because you are a chaplain? Others may not know what is wrong but they do
know that something is wrong. And, your patients know. How interesting it is when we make the
discovery that those in the land of the dying (our patients) have a sensitive
spiritual sensor. They are beyond the
cover-up that so characterizes us in the land of the living. What you never want to happen is for a
patient to say to you is something like this: “Chaplain, how are you? I detect something is just not totally right
with you. I’ll listen if you want to get it out.” Oh me.
The roles reversed. That is your
job, Chaplain Friend, to listen to inner pain and sorrow of the patient.
So, let’s get this out in the open. If you are bitter, figure out why, and get
rid of it. If you need to forgive
someone, do it. In fact, I urge you to
get your inner person straightened before you see your next patient. That’s how strongly I believe your inner
turmoil affects your outward spiritual care provision. Let me lighten the mood a bit and invite you
to go to Look up the video
titled, Bob Newhart-Stop It. It is great
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