Thursday, June 23, 2016

After burn-out, what next?

If a Chaplain becomes so emotionally and physically exhausted that he or she experiences burn-out, there still remains one very powerful tool that will right the ship and head in another direction.  That tool?  Self-reflection.  As the Chaplain reflects on the experience, certain questions rise to the surface.  Why did this happen?  How did I get to this point?  Did I ignore warning signs?  Did I speak with someone?  Why didn’t I speak to someone?  How am I now?  Do I need help?


If you’re in burn-out, may I suggest that it might be wise to see a therapist.  There are many layers to an onion and there are many layers to our inner person.  The skilled therapist will help you to be pull them back to help you heal internally.  Yes, you will think of a thousand and one reasons not to see a therapist.  Pride is a brutal task master. 


For me to say more would be inappropriate as I would only speak is generalities.  I will say that you will want to take some time to heal before you jump into something else so you don’t repeat the process.


With blessings for a renewed sense of hope and well being.

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