Monday, June 1, 2015

Monday Musings

Monday Musings Mondays seem to be a good day for reflection. Yesterday provided great fodder for reflection. The graduates were recognized yesterday in worship. Along with all of their long list of awards and academic success were photos of each graduate from when they were in pre-school. It was at that point that my mind took a trip back to when each of my children were so young. It’s amazing what a mind can do. In what seemed like a split second I reviewed their lives to where they are now. It was somewhat an emotional moment as I saw their successes and their painful moments. Interesting what triggers such thoughts. If you recall, my last post had to do with the Conundrum of Ephesians 4:11-12. During the greeting time in worship yesterday, my Pastor asked if I would teach “Ministry Beyond the Walls of the Church” during July. The purpose of the training is to help the church to know how to care for people in crisis. Cool. I’m looking forward to that. A trained church can do much. How was your weekend? Any reflections you care to share?

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