Thursday, April 9, 2015

7 Challenges of Soul Care

David Benner is one of my favorite authors. His book, Care of Souls: Revisioning Christian Nurture and Counsel, is one of his finest works. I came upon a list of challenges that must be confronted by Christians who seek to care for the souls of others. 1. Guard against the erosion of the personal in soul care. 2. Develop an integrated inner core. 3. Continuously renew [your] own inner psycho-spiritual resources. 4. [Don’t] allow professionalism to dilute a sense of Christian vocation. 5. Rediscover the formative and transforming power of story. 6. Recover the uniquely Christian resources of soul care. 7. Avoid sacrificing being on the altar of doing. Mull those over and see where your thoughts lead you. Bless you, Chaplain Colleagues. Yours is a sacred profession.

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