Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Time Management

One challenge a hospice Chaplain will encounter is that of time management.  If the Chaplain has transitioned from the parish pastorate this could be quite a challenge.  Therefore, a simple schedule provided by the hospice Chaplain manager will help.

This is what I provide for our facility Chaplains (home team Chaplains are trickier as they work by appointment—there are several ways to make the appointments, so I do not have a standardized format for them.  However, I expect their documentation to be completed by 4:30PM so they have their work done):


8AM: Work phone is turned on/Computer is turned on/synchronize Allscripts


8:30AM: Read email focusing on ACE Notifications of new patients, deaths, requests for Chaplain


9:15AM: Follow your Scheduler, head out to the facility, and begin making visits


4:30PM:  Have all documentation completed and have a great evening with your family.



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