Friday, January 29, 2016

Test Your Knowledge of Terms Describing Limitations of Dementia Patients

In the list below, match the term on the left with the description on the right.  The answers are at the bottom of the page.  I would be interested to know how you did. Please comment.

  1. Aphasia
  1. Number problems
  1. Apraxia
  1. Writing disorders
  1. Anomia
  1. Body image disorders
  1. Alexia
  1. Movement disorders
  1. Agraphia
  1. Impairment of language
  1. Visual Agnosia
  1. Inability to recognize familiar people
  1. Spacial Agnosia
  1. Inability to recognize writing and pictoral material as a whole_only parts
  1. Simultanngagnosia
  1. Difficulty finding words
  1. Prosopagnosia
  1. Inability to find one’s way around familiar place
  1. Anosognosia
  1. Inability to name or use an object without touching it
  1. Acalcula
  1. Reading difficulties

  1. e
  2. d
  3. h
  4. k
  5. b
  6. j
  7. i
  8. g
  9. f
  10. c
  11. a 


How did you do? 

10-11—You’re an Expert  7-9 You’re Advanced  5-6 You’re New To This

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